2014 Visitor's Guide

Refer to Maps on pages 41-45

Business Development CITY OF PORTLAND 389 Congress St, Portland, ME 04101 207-874-8892 portlandmaine.gov



Offers business services to help new, existing and relocating businesses grow and prosper in Portland. Among its services are commercial lending as well as site location, regulatory/ permitting and technical assistance. See ad pg. 70 CREATIVE PORTLAND E8 110 Exchange St, 3rd Floor, Portland, ME 04101 207-370-4784 creativeportland.com Creative Portland capitalizes on Portland’s creative economy. With its vibrant arts, fine restaurants, pristine natural landscapes, and high quality of life, Portland is well-poised to become a live-work destination for creative entrepreneurs. GULF OF MAINE F5 RESEARCH INSTITUTE 350 Commercial St, Portland, ME 04101 207-772-2321 gmri.org/seafood GMRI collaborates with stakeholders, including restaurants, retailers, suppliers, and fishermen to develop science-based solutions that address the complexities of seafood sustainability in the Gulf of Maine region. MAINE CENTER FOR D6 CREATIVITY 795 Congress St, 2nd floor, Portland, ME 04102 207-730-0694 mainecenterforcreativity.org MCC is dedicated to creating projects and programs that support the arts and promote the growth of creative industries and professionals that contribute to the vitality of Maine’s economy. MAINE MADE 59 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333 207-624-7489 mainemade.com The Maine Made program promotes quality consumer products produced in Maine and features over 2,000 members. Products range from Maine made boats to jewelry, books, art, specialty foods and much more. PORTLAND REGIONAL CHAMBER 443 Congress St, Portland, ME 04101 207-772-2811 portlandregion.com local and regional economic performance through business and civic leadership. Businesses building a better community. Education HUSSON UNIVERSITY 340 County Rd, Westbrook, ME 04092 207-874-5800 husson.edu/southernmaine Offers courses onsite, online, on weeknights and Saturdays. Bachelors in Business, Accounting, Software Development, Education, Criminal Justice and Paralegal. Masters in Business , Education, Counseling and Criminal Justice. Continued on page 70 D8 The Portland Regional Chamber: Partners for business and community, working to enhance A5

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