2020-2021 Visitor's Guide
FOGG’S WATER TAXI & CHARTERS 72 Commercial St, Portland 207-415-8493 foggsboatwork.com
PORTLAND STAGE 25A Forest Ave, Portland 207-774-0465 portlandstage.org
Explore Casco Bay on a private charter from our custom built fleet of Foggcrafts. Each boat can accommodate up to six passengers. Map 3, G9
Professional mainstage productions, festivals and readings dedicated to new work in theater, and classes and camps for kids. Map 3, D6 PORTLAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Merrill Auditorium: 20 Myrtle St, Portland 207-842-0800 portlandsymphony.org Founded in 1923, the Portland Symphony Or- chestra (PSO) is widely regarded as one of the top symphony orchestras of its size in the country. Map 3, E9 STATE THEATRE 609 Congress St, Portland 207-956-6000 statetheatreportland.com Presents the finest in national talent from hot buzz to musical icons. Visit us online for a full calendar of upcoming shows and concerts. Map 3, D5 THOMPSON’S POINT 10 Thompson’s Point Rd, Portland 207-747-5288 thompsonspointmaine.com Close proximity to downtown Portland, we are where the action is with ongoing events, outdoor concerts, skating rink, arts & entertainment. Please see website for cancellations due to COVID-19. Map 3, C5 I CRUISES + TOURS BEATEN PATH TOURS Tours start at Lobsterman Statue in front of the Nickelodeon Theater at 1 Temple St, Portland 207-749-1105 beatenpathtours.com Come with us to visit Portland’s important his- torical sites as we discuss the city and events of yesterday and today. Map 3, E8 CALENDAR ISLANDS SAILING CO. 58 Fore St, Fore Points Marina, Portland 207-318-3025 sailcascobay.com Private charters and daily public sailing ex- cursions on beautiful Casco Bay. From 2-hour coastal sightseeing to multi-day island hopping 207-205-5796 cascobaycustomcharters.com Private cruises aboard vintage vessels for cou- ples, families, or groups up to 37. Lighthouses, sightseeing, wildlife, dining & more. Map 3, F3 CASCO BAY LINES 56 Commercial St, Portland 207-774-7871 cascobaylines.com Year-round scenic cruises and boat tours, private charters, and island commuter service. Seasonal group lobster bakes and service to Bailey Island. Map 3, G9 See ad pg. 19 adventures. Map 3, G11 See ad pg. 28 CASCO BAY CUSTOM CHARTERS Berth: South Port Marine 14 Ocean St, South Portland
FORT GORGES TOURS Casco Bay, Portland 207-370-1181 friendsoffortgorges.org
Private Charters Available Landmarks, Lighthouses, History, Restaurants & More! Book Early! - We Sell Out! i il l Portland’s BEST Narrated History Tour Aboard a Vintage Fire Truck
Transportation (at high tide only) and tour of historic military fort, now an island park, Harbor tours for up to 10 people available at other times. Map 3, J14 See ad pg. 24 GO SAILING 215 Foreside Rd, Falmouth 207-615-6917 gosailingcascobay.com Located at Handy Boat in Falmouth, we can get you out on the waters of Casco Bay with either sailing lessons or a sailing charter. Map 2, F10 A total body workout in the great outdoors with a certified fitness instructor, all while experienc- ing the rich history of Portland’s Old Port. Map 3, E7 ISLAND GIRL WATER TAXI & CHARTERS Willard Beach, South Portland 207-799-0305 islandgirlwatertaxi.com Come explore & experience Casco Bay with Cap- tain Catherine aboard Island Girl. Can accom- modate up to 6 passengers. Map 3, I5 LUCKY CATCH CRUISES A 90-minute lobstering excursion. Participate or relax as we haul traps next to lighthouses, forts and the seal rocks. Runs May - Oct. Map 3, F8 THE MAINE BREW BUS Tour pick up location: 79 Commercial St, Old Port Spirits and Cigars, Portland 207-200-9111 themainebrewbus.com Join one of our regularly scheduled all-inclusive tours for a behind-the-scenes tasty look at Maine’s craft breweries, distilleries, and wineries! Map 3, F8 See ad this page MAINE DAY TRIP TOURS Customer Pickup: Enjoy and explore Maine’s unique coastal views, scenic by-ways and historic lighthouses with our customized and private sightseeing tours. See ad pg. 25 MAINE DUCK TOURS 177 Commercial St, Portland Tickets sold at The Blue Lobster 207-774-3825 maineducktours.com A unique Land & Sea Adventure through Port- land’s Old Port and Harbor, learning the legends and lore that have shaped this city. Map 3, F8 See ad pg. 26 HISTORIC WORKOUTS Monument Sq, Portland 646-845-9714 historicworkouts.com 170 Commercial St, Portland 207-761-0941 luckycatch.com Portland & Kennebunkport areas 207-838-5275 mainedaytrip.com
Call For More Information 207.252.6358 BUY TICKETS ONLINE www.portlandfiretours.com
Departs from Old Port Spirits 79 Commercial St.
Continued on page 22
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